Law Office RHETOR Sliwinski & Jasinski professional partnership is opened:

Monday to Friday 9:00-16:00.
Please make an appointment first.

Powstańców Śląskich Square 8/6
53-314 Wrocław 
Tel. +48 71 789 44 94
Fax +48 71 789 44 95
e-mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The nearest parking is located approximately 500 meters from the company’s 
registered office: under the building Sky Tower on Powstańców Śląskich street 95.

Company’s ID: 022253942
NIP: 899-274-69-06
Bank Account: NEST BANK 52 2530 0008 2041 1013 7555 0001